Friday, June 21, 2013

Talking Openly About Weight Loss

By Chet Sandeksi

If you are currently trying to lose weight, you are not alone. Millions of Americans today are on some kind of diet or weight loss plan in hopes that they will lose weight.

Manuel Uribe is a 47 year old man from Monterrey, Mexico. He is best known for his record as the heaviest living person in the world. Back in the early 2000s era, he hit an all-time high of 1,320 pounds. He had been bedridden for years and was looking for a way out of his predicament. Doctors and friends recommended weight loss surgery as the easiest way to literally get back on his feet.

He refused though, saying he wanted to do it a more natural way. Instead of resorting to weight loss surgery, he began working with a doctor to create the right weight loss program and has seen remarkable success. With the help of his doctor, Manuel he has lost almost 1,000 pounds without the aid of weight loss surgery or anything else unnatural.

There are several factors that are affecting the amount of obese and overweight people in America. First, we, as a culture, do not do very much walking. We are either sitting at home, sitting at work, or sitting in our cars. Generally, we do not use public transportation to travel places; because of this, we spend a lot of time in our cars.

In order for these individuals to lose weight and stay healthy, alternative cardio exercises may wish to be considered. In coordination with a well-balanced and nutritious diet void of excess sugars and fats, a person who finds an alternative way to experience cardio exercises without using their legs will be able to enjoy the same weight loss and overall health of those who are able to use standard cardio exercises to fulfill this need.

The reason why people struggle to accept that a lifestyle change is needed is because they are comfortable with the way they are currently living with. Very few people are accepting of the idea that they need to change several big things about their life.

People especially don't like changing the things that love and are familiar with. For example, they do not want to exercise more. They are used to rarely exercising or not exercising at all, so they do not want to change from that routine. Changing that routine would require work, effort, and pain, and people simply do not want to do it.

If a punching bag is not a good fit for the needs of the person looking to perform healthy cardio, then perhaps turning to the pool would be a respectable alternative. Swimming laps in a pool, like the other standard cardio exercise, has long since been a proven and effective cardio work out.

Swimming is likewise less impactful on a person's back, hips, knees, and ankles, making it a quality exercise for those who wish to avoid over use of their legs while exercising. Other options for those who want to lose weight through cardio exercise but who cannot use their legs while exercising include any action that works the big muscles in the arms and hips, such as rowing, air boxing, pushups, and rope pulling.

Add in an exercise routine and a little bit of patience and you'll soon be wondering where all those pounds got to. Not that you'll be missing them of course.

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