Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ideas For Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

By Deborah J. McAnally

Like a lot of people, you have probably tried to get in shape many times. You may have had success with weight loss but slipped into old habits again. Do not let setbacks get you down. Permanent success is just around the corner. Following is some advice to kick-start your weight loss attempt.

For a mashed potato substitute that is low in carbohydrates, try mashing cauliflower instead. It's an easy recipe. Cook cauliflower with water and chopped onions, covered, until it is tender. After it is cooked, but while it is still hot, pure it with chicken or vegetable bouillon. Then add fresh-ground pepper. The result is a savory side full of vitamins and minerals and barely any of the carbs found in a traditional potato dish.

Drink plenty of water to shed a few, quick pounds. When you drink more water, you will remain fuller longer, and it helps you have less trouble with water bloat. Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water per day. This is not fat loss, but is a quick way to get the first five pounds off and quick-start your weight loss program.

Working out is an important aspect of losing weight. Make sure you have a set time each day for exercise. Put the time on your calendar so that you can commit to it and won't plan anything else for your exercise time.

Try eating your largest meal for lunch rather than dinner. Make your evening meal a simple sandwich in place of the full dinner you usually have. You burn a lot more calories in the afternoon than you do at night, so it is easier to avoid weight gain when you have a large meal in the afternoon.

Taking your own needs into account is the most successful way to lose weight. You can get your exercise in before you begin your workday if you like the morning hours. For night owls, try doing evening workouts. If you are someone who does not like waking up early, then avoid choosing that time.

If you want to become more committed to your fitness routine, try finding a friend or fitness buddy to work out with. When you are joined by a like-minded friend with similar goals, you will both benefit inside greater success. As a pair, you can provide mutual support anytime dedication seems to wane or one of you starts to grow discouraged.

Because avocados are so rich, they can be an excellent aid in weight loss efforts. Although avocados may be high in fat, the fat they contain is unsaturated, which is actually good for you. Meats can obtain unhealthy fats, but the good fats in avocado mean you can consume this tasty treat guilt-free. You can for instance make some veggie tacos: replace the meat with some avocado for a healthy and delicious meal.

If you find yourself really craving a specific unhealthy food, give in to it. Treat yourself to a dessert once a week. Doing so does not mean you fell off the diet wagon. Rather, it means you have earned the right to a minor splurge, having done so well with your dieting efforts. Of course, don't overdo it in the rewards department. Your diet should become your lifestyle and not be a punishment.

Weigh yourself regularly to see the progress you are making during your program. Tracking your progress can be a great motivator. Keep track of all of your weight loss progress by writing in a notebook. People who do this have a much better chance of losing weight.

Muscle has been documented to burn many more calories than fat. Muscle improves the calorie burn your body goes through for hours after a workout. The more fat that you convert when to muscle, the better your body will perform overall. Try strength training two or three times per week to strengthen your muscles.

Reduce the number of calories that you eat each day. There are twice the number of calories in fat compared to either protein or carbohydrates. Avoid eating unhealthy high-fat foods, watch the amount of dairy you consume, and limit the amount of oil you use. If you focus on high-fiber foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, you will feel full for longer, despite eating far fewer calories.

In your quest to shed as many pounds as possible, you will want to chart your progress. A way of keeping a close eye on your weight loss is by stepping on the scale regularly to update you on your progress. The feeling of accomplishment that you get when you see your progress will fuel your motivation to continue on to reach your goals.

Omelets can be a wonderful breakfast option. Stuff yours with fresh veggies and lean meats to get more protein and raw foods into your diet. Also, extra fiber makes you feel full faster, meaning you will not overeat and you can avoid having a snack.

Take the ideas you have learned here and use them to get your weight loss journey started. Even if you knew some of this advice, other parts of it could be new and relevant for you.

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