Sunday, May 6, 2018

Facts About Sleeve Gastrectomy New York Patients May Benefit From

By Gregory Anderson

Obesity is a condition that has negatively affected the lives of many individuals in the world today. It is particularly common among people whose daily diet is high in cholesterol and people whose lifestyle is largely sedentary. However, weight gain can occur even in people with a healthy lifestyle. This is especially true if it is genetic or if the individual is diabetic. Surgery is a big savior where lifestyle modification fails to yield positive results. These are some of the basic principles about sleeve gastrectomy New York residents may find useful.

Gastrectomy is partial or complete removal of the stomach surgically. In sleeve gastrectomy, part of the stomach is removed (about eighty percent) and the remaining is fashioned into a continuous tube(sleeve). In this procedure, the greater curvature of the stomach is cut vertically extending from the upper portion to the lower portion. It was originally done as a preliminary procedure for gastric bypass. Later, it was discovered that it worked just well on its own without any further modification.

Like any form of operation, there are potential risks. Some complications that can arise include aspiration, bleeding, infection and venous thrombosis among others. For this reason, patients are required to fast for a period of at least six hours before surgery. Also, those on hormonal pills are advised to stop taking them some weeks prior. The doctor has to ensure that you have enough blood in your body to compensate for bleeding. Minimally invasive surgery(laparoscopy) is the preferred method of choice as it carries less risk of the aforementioned complications.

Pain is expected after the operation and therefore pain relievers should be freely available to the individual. Also, one should not be in a hurry to resume their usual diet as the intestines take time to begin working again. As such, the initial food may only be fluids and semi solids with introduction of solids only when one has fully recovered. In addition, it is unwise for the patient to partake in activities that cause strain as they may impair healing of their wound.

Over a span of eighteen months, the individual is expected to lose sixty percent of the excess body weight on average. While the results may be significant in the first few months, it is followed by a period of stagnation which can only be overcome engaging in exercises. This can be explained by the fact that your system tries to compensate for these drastic new changes through decreasing its rate of metabolism.

The advantage of sleeve gastrectomy over other similar procedures is its short operating time. It is a simple process which does not require altering the length and position of the intestines. Thus, the worry of what is commonly referred to as dumping syndrome as a complication is eliminated. This type of surgery also reduces hunger because it gets rid of the hunger hormone, ghrelin.

The disadvantage of this kind of operation is the tendency to have mood swings. This is due to the changes in hormone levels in response to losing large amount of weight over a short period of time. Such individuals also tend to easily get tired and their personality may change over time. Also it is not guaranteed that the person will not gain weight again if additional measures are not employed.

In summary, keeping that figure you have always wished to have is not permanently achieved through the surgery alone. The operation totally changes your life. It means making conscious decisions about your diet and making physical exercise your best friend.

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